

Restpos is a cloud-based dynamic restaurant POS system. It is a service for boosting the growth and development of the hospitality sector. It does the management of the sales and marketing in the food business. Moreover, the restaurant owner can manage all the data regarding the hospitality business from any location. The features of Restopos are as follows:

Efficient Table Management

Manage the availability of the table reservation in the restaurant with the help of Restopos. You can do the updates within few seconds using the application. It happens in only a few seconds.

Management of data from anywhere

Handling the business while performing the other task is becoming difficult with time. You have an online system like Restopos then, things become easy to manage.

Cloud-based POS system

You can run your restaurant business from any location with the cloud-based POS system. The benefit of this system is that you don’t need to spend extra investment to get the procedure. All these things are simple to start you have to give training to your employees regarding it and then, all done.

RestoPOS Dashboard

Our features include online ordering for the waiter, kitchen display for the chef, billing module for the counter, various reports for the owner.

Displays the Kitchen Systems

You can manage all the kitchen systems of your restaurant while using Restopos. Check all the working as how all the dishes are prepared and served by the chefs and the staff members to the customers.

Inventory Management

It is impossible to get accurate information on stock management through the offline system. If you want to take your business to the following levels of success, start using the Restopos setup.

Menu Management

You want to make instant changes to the menu of your restaurant. It is possible only when you are using Restopos. The fast system helps you to make the changes when you want.

No Language Barrier

Choose the language that you want to use in the Restopos. It supports several languages. You can decide the language that you wish to and then go ahead to start using the application.

Order and Then Make Payment

Customers can use the Restopos application to place the order and check out the development process. According to their convenience, they can make the payment of the food too.

Analytics & Reporting of available information

Accurate information is available through Restopos. It becomes super easy to do the analytics and reporting work efficiently. Things are manageable by the restaurant owner and the team members to prepare the plans for boosting business towards growth and development.

Easy setup

It is easy and convenient to do the structure of Restopos. The application is available on the android and Ios platforms. Then, the restaurant owner can check all the real-time information about the functioning of the business from anywhere and anytime. There is no need to rely on the staff to get the details.

What is a POS system?

A variety of managerial, administrative, and marketing abilities are required to operate a retail business. These abilities are essential for the successful operation of your shop, from making sure there is enough inventory to compiling monthly sales statistics.
A practical point of sale (POS) system may go a long way toward ensuring that all of your operations are running smoothly, and retailers who invest the time and money to have such a system in place before they require it will gain from it.
A point of sales system, often known as a POS system, is a computerised network run by the primary computer and connected to checkout terminals.
It is simply a method that aids in completing sales transactions for your company. It can be compared to a supercharged cash register. Cash registers will eventually become obsolete, though, as POS systems are capable of much more than just processing payments.
The term “point of sale” (POS) used to exclusively refer to the location, which was often a counter with a cash register where clients paid with cash. Whether it’s online, at a self-service kiosk, through an agent’s handheld device, or at a traditional record, payment is still at the core of every POS system.
However, since the 1970s, when the traditional cash register and computers were initially combined, POS has developed into a potent centre for operational, sales, promotional, and financial procedures. With the advent of bar codes in the 1970s, graphical user interfaces in the 1980s, and online ordering in the 1990s, POS systems have evolved along with technology.
The pace of change has accelerated much more in the twenty-first century. Due to the use of tablets and other devices, mobile technology has freed the payment process from the constraints of the conventional register. POS systems have developed over the past ten years to keep up with the demands and sophistication of today’s consumers. With their mobile devices in hand, people may immediately access an endless array of alternatives if they are dissatisfied with the options or service levels you provide.
Due to these intense competitive demands, contemporary POS has advanced far beyond being only a point of sale and accounting system to additionally serve as a point of service, enabling highly customised interactions that continually satisfy clients in the present.
When used properly, modern POS also reduces expenses and boosts profits without lowering service standards. With empowered commerce capabilities that allow consumers to buy, pick up, or return things via any channel, merchants can preserve—and even increase—in-store sales.

Software components of a POS system:

Simple cloud- or web-based applications for mobile devices: If you want to manage your POS from a mobile device, this solution is perfect. As long as you have your mobile device and card reader, this software enables you to conduct transactions from anywhere.
On-premises terminal programmes: Alternatively, you can choose programmes that are only available on your business grounds at your cashier or another POS terminal.
Compatibility with accounting software: The ability to link with your accounting software allows you to carefully manage your business budget. This feature is a crucial component of a reliable POS software programme.
Inventory tracking: Your POS software’s stock counts are immediately updated to reflect recent transactions when you scan product barcodes at the time of purchase.
Processing gift cards: Not all point-of-sale systems seamlessly interact with gift card schemes. However, without this feature, processing gift cards could be overly difficult.
Purchase order creation: Consider the ability to create purchase orders as an expansion of the inventory monitoring features. When your inventory is low and exceeds a certain level, some systems can be configured to automatically place new orders for items. This tool may guarantee you always have a sufficient supply of your most popular products on hand while saving time when replenishing products.
Management of suppliers and customers: Some POS systems allow you to manage your vendors’ information in addition to creating purchase orders for them. When you’re ringing up a sale, you may use this to collect the contact information of your customers. Additionally, some systems let you utilise your digital receipts to ask clients for evaluations or customer surveys.
Tracking employee performance: Some POS systems allow you to keep tabs on staff statistics including sales volume, working hours, and (if relevant) gratuities received.

Benefits of the POS system:

  1. Accessible real-time information from anywhere at any time.
  2. Better customer service with thorough receipts that include information on the transaction, store, loyalty programme, and sales return policy.
  3. Better customer service with thorough receipts that include information on the transaction, store, loyalty programme, and sales return policy.
  4. Enhanced operational efficiency for businesses
  5. Enhanced personnel management in terms of shift scheduling and regulated access to the system to prevent employee theft and better inventory management due to automated stock tracking.
  6. Better business decisions based on data due to reporting and analytical features
  7. More choices for your clients to pay
  8. Simplified and easier accounting

Types of POS:

Various POS system types include:

Retail POS system:

It includes features to meet the demands of retailers (e.g.: stock management, customer loyalty program)

F&B or Restaurant POS System:

Its features are tailored to meet the demands of retailers (e.g: table layout, order management, queue management, booking management).

Mobile POS system:

Operating through a smartphone or app. Ideal for temporary businesses, festivals, or stores with little space

iPad or Tablet POS system:

Looks classy and is utilised for difficult tasks. Favourable for small enterprises

Terminal POS system:

It Is a compact gadget that accepts credit card payments. Best for full-service restaurants or high-traffic retail establishments

Self-service POS systems:

They are utilised in self-checkout locations including gas stations and valet parking, among others.

Why Choose SMBsolutions for your Business

Concerned about combining or integrating your account information? It’s time for your business to implement a cutting-edge technical innovation like ERP accounting software. It helps you handle your business’s billing, sales, purchases, inventory, petty cash, payroll, taxes, and other areas. Automating your accounting process with ERP Accounting Software is not only 100% secure and but reliable as well.

Features of POS

How does the POS system work at a business?

Your company may collect payments from clients and track sales with a POS system. It may seem straightforward, but depending on whether you sell online alone, have a physical location, or both, the setup may operate differently.
The cash register in a store is referred to as a point-of-sale system. Since all current POS systems are digital, you can check out a client from anywhere. A POS app and an internet-capable device, such as a tablet or phone, are all you need.
However, the two main categories of enterprises that require the point-of-sale system are generally speaking. These include retail firms and hospitality establishments like hotels and restaurants. This implies that there are primarily just two POS systems that work, one for retail and the other for restaurants.
You absolutely need a POS system that can help you optimise and run your business more effectively because of the shift in consumer behaviour that has led to multichannel ordering.
For this reason, a lot of small company owners are using omnichannel systems to automate and simplify their operations while gathering and analyzing data to enhance their business operations and decision-making.
What the difference is between a POS system and accounting software, and which is better The difference between POS system software and business management software, such as accounting software, is that both share some functionality and are used in various company markets, depending on the needs.


POS Software

The Point of Sales (POS) system will typically and best serve B2C businesses. Businesses and retail establishments can successfully manage walk-in consumers by using a POS system. They mostly offer products directly to customers and run brick-and-mortar businesses.

The aforementioned statement does not imply that POS systems are exclusively employed by B2C and not by B2B. because users of the POS system include B2B companies. The POS system will be used by wholesale distribution organisations who must function with cash and have a physical site.

With barcode characteristics, the inventory management in the POS system will be more sophisticated. Most POS systems do not contain the reports and tools necessary to file the GST, unlike a small number of POS software. However, the assets are heavily utilised for the GST filing process with the aid of accounting software.

The key distinction is that you would be better off looking for a different solution than merely POS software if your company primarily promotes to other businesses and has limited walk-in sales that match to your various sales channels.

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Accounting Software

Another tool for corporate administration is accounting software. It has certain ERP software characteristics in common. As we previously explained, the accounting software gives you a precise and up-to-the-minute summary of all business management. Some of these that put a greater emphasis on cash and streamline the GST filing process are cash flow, accounts payable, accounts receivable, TDS payment, profit and loss, and financial business planning.

One of the biggest differences between the accounting software and the POS system is that rather than referring to accounting software as advanced inventory management, we instead refer to it as efficient inventory management, which places a greater emphasis on the products and their tax in most software. The POS system cannot manage expenses, but accounting software can do so effectively and efficiently.

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Benefits of an integrated POS and accounting system

Here is a set of benefits that come with POS system and accounting software integration.

Information power over vendors and customers

When you combine accounting software with a point-of-sale system, you get real-time information on client management with history, their cash flow situation, profit and loss, and purchase history, all of which can be used by you and your team to perform further analysis.

Saves time for your company

Efficiency is poor when using distinct software, such as a POS system or accounting software. It's because accounting software needs to access the POS system in order to pull more of your data. This takes a long time to complete manually. You also pay less attention to your company's sales and marketing.

Effective ledger balance upkeep

You may easily and without any problem visualize your company's financial situation and cash flow thanks to the integration. When you combine the POS and accounting software, you can make more precise business decisions than you did in the past.

Avoids using many software programmes

When a company needs to maintain both POS and accounting software, managing them separately increases the chance of errors and adds time to the process. But when it's integrated, you usually steer clear of errors and dangers. You will feel more at ease knowing that you are paying for the appropriate individuals at the appropriate time.

Be organized for the taxman all the time

For the taxpayers, it is one of the best opportunities. You can easily transfer all the data from these two important areas of your company, and the accurate process will increase the accuracy of all your reports.

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